Anuncios activos de aeromercado
1- Piper Seneca III PA34 220T 1993. TotalTime 3745 hours Continental Engines both TSIO-360KB 20 HRS SMOH 1800 T.T Overhaul 02/2021 Props McCauley both 20 HRS SMOH Overhaul 06/2021 We deliver with fresh ARC and C of A export Avionics , Garmin 530W, garmi... (+) [contactar] [foto1] [foto2] [foto3] 20-03-2024
2- Se Vende PA34 220T Seneca III Piper Seneca III PA34 220T 1993. TotalTime 3745 hours Continental Engines both TSIO-360KB 20 HRS SMOH 1800 T.T Overhaul 02/2021 Props McCauley both 20 HRS SMOH Overhaul 06/2021 We deliver with fresh ARC and C of A expor... (+) [contactar] [foto1] [foto2] [foto3] 20-03-2024
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